先週に引き続き、Maria Auxiliadoraで英語の授業を担当させていただきました。今週は残念ながらカテウラ地区に行くことができませんでした。
今週の授業のテーマは、英語で基本的な挨拶を学ぶことでした。「How are you?」、「What is your name?」、「How old are you?」、「Where are you from?」、それぞれの質問に対する答え方を勉強しました。今回は会話をベースとした授業だったため、生徒たちをペアにして実際に会話を練習してもらいました。
The foundation of Mitai Mitakuniai has been working to build a school for children in Paraguay. We have launched a fundraising project through Cloud Funding ReadyFor? last month. The goal of this project is to raise 900,000 yen (approximately 8,800 US dollars). As of today (July 1st), we have accomplished 32% of the targeted amount. Please support our project and, more importantly, children in Paraguay to have access to education.
Link to the website: https://readyfor.jp/projects/mitaimitakunai/announcements/40341
Happy July! This is Midori, a summer intern of the foundation. I am reporting what we did this week.
Continuing from the last week, we taught English at Maria Auxiliadora. Unfortunately, we could not make it to Cateura district this week.
This week’s theme was to learn some basic questions such as “How are you?” “What is your name?” “How old are you?” and “Where are you from?” We also learned how to answer to these questions.
We also reviewed the materials that we had learned last week. It was very great to see many of our students raised their hands and said many of the vocabularies. There were 26 new vocabularies, and it was impressive that the students remembered many of them.