第三週目カテウラ訪問/Third Week: Visit to Cateura


今週木曜日(7月7日)、カテウラ地区を訪問しました。今回は、前回訪問したい際に英語の授業を行なったCerro Potyではなく、Aula Móbilと呼ばれる、一時的に建てられた学校で授業を行ないました。カテウラ地区は去年、川の増水により地区一帯が水没する被害を受けました。そのため水没した地区に住んでいた人たちは避難を余儀なくされ、一部の人たちは今回私たちが訪れた場所に住んでいます。水没した建物の中には学校も含まれており、その学校に通っていた一部の子どもたちは緊急に建てられたAula Mobilで勉強をしています。

This Thursday (July 7th), we made another visit to Cateura district. Instead of Cerro Poty, the school we visited last time, we taught English at an “aula móbil, a school that was built temporally for children who lost their houses as a consequence of the flood last December. Many buildings, including the school, sank under the water. Many children who I taught English this Thursday used to go to the school and are currently learning at the Aula Móbil.

IMG_1217 Aula Móbil


中の様子・授業の様子/Inside Aula Móbil


Since we had a new group of students, we taught English alphabets with the worksheets and the powerpoint that we had used at other schools. For about 30 minutes, we had practiced the pronunciations of all the alphabets and vocabularies associated with the alphabets. My students taught to me Guaraní, which is an indigenous language spoken along with Spanish in Paraguay. Many students told me that they loved learning English.


After the lesson, we visited the community where my students live. Walking for about 5 minutes, we arrived at the area. I was shocked when I saw their houses. They were merely made of five or six large wooden boards. As soon as we got to the area, I saw some children started collecting plastic bottles, which they had collected from the pile of garbage, and putting them into plastic bags. During the visit, we had an opportunity to interview one of the leaders of Cateura district, Dionisio González. According to him, many children gather and sell garbage to financially support their families. He also told us that they normally start working at the age of 12 because no adult in the community has a permanent job.

IMG_1150使う 家の様子/Houses in the community


ペットボトルを袋に詰める子どもたち/Children collecting plastic bottles


Until this Thursday, I had believed that providing educational opportunities for children would be achieved by simply building schools or giving them school materials. But, it was a huge misconception. There is no doubt that the constructions of schools for children that do not have access to education are important. However, I saw that there are more fundamental reasons that explain why students are not able to attend schools in Cateura. For instance, more than half of the students that supposedly go to the Aula Móbil were absent this Thursday. There are 73 families and 300 children living in Cateura. The majority of these children are not able to receive adequate education.


Toward the end of the visit, we went to the area in which the families of the community that we met used to live. As previously mentioned, their previous houses were flooded and no longer functioning as places to live. From last December, the water that was covering the area was mostly gone. However, we could still see several large puddles. The conditions of the roads were not ideal. Additionally, there were water grass and small flies everywhere. As we were walking, we saw some children who were coughing. Petrona González, another leader of Cateura district, explained that the hygienic environment of the district has impaired the children. She believes that the improvement of Cateura’s sanitation and the constructions of more bathrooms need to be done urgently.


生い茂った草・水たまり/Grass and Puddle


道路の様子/A Road




The improvement of the educational conditions in Cateura requires a lot more than simply constructing schools and providing school materials. As of today the Paraguayan government has not done a lot to overcome the issues in Cateura, and there is only one NGO that has been working in the area. The issues that I have mentioned in this report are just few of many that the habitants of Cateura are facing at this moment. I strongly believe that the cooperation between the Paraguayan government and grassroots organizations is necessary in order to overcome the issues in Cateura. I hope this report serves to inform audience of these issues and of that we need to take actions right now.


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